ITOL trainer checking accredited training course statistics online

Bespoke Training

Bespoke Training Qualifications are designed, tailored & delivered in a variety of formats and styles to suit your goals and budget.

Are you able to come and meet us to talk through our Training requirements?

Yes! Our design process requires one of our team members to meet up with you and talk through your training requirements.

How many delegates can we have on a train the trainer qualification?

Our train the trainer qualifications are client-focussed not money-focussed. This means that we do not believe in squashing in as many students as possible onto our qualifications. We have discovered that between 6-8 participants provide the optimum learning environment. However, we will work to your requirements.

Do you provide attendance certificates?

NO – Your team members receive a QUALIFICATION CERTIFICATE on successful completion.

I am interested in a particular qualification, what do I need to do next?

Please complete the online form OR book a call with a Member of the ITOL team. If you are in the UK, you can call us on 0151 236 1813.

Do you offer bespoke training?

Yes – Our focus is on Learning Outcomes, this means we can design any of our Training Qualifications and specifically tailor them to suit your Company requirements.

We are based in (insert any location!), can you run in-house courses here?

Yes – Our trainers work throughout the world. Training can be held onsite, at a venue of your choice, or we can help you find a suitable local venue.

To what level are your trainers qualified?

All of our trainers are Fellows of the Institute. They must be qualified to the level above the ITOL Qualification they are delivering.

Will I be able to speak to the trainer in advance?

Yes. The trainer will contact you before commencement of the training to discuss any issues or current circumstances which may be relevant.

I don’t have enough delegates to run an in-house course, can you still help me?

Yes. Your students would be welcome to choose between a number of options available to them in order to achieve a qualification.

Is there a dress code on your courses?

We find people learn best when they are comfortable and relaxed. Our trainers are happy for delegates to wear whatever they wish. Most of our trainers, both male and female, adopt a smart casual style.

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