
5 Facts about the Brain that will Increase Productivity

The human brain is a powerful thing However, many of us don’t use it to its full potential. So we have compiled 5 facts that can be used to increase productivity. These insights will be useful for learning and development professionals as they can be applied during training sessions and help learn...
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Why Leading Trainers Use this iTOL Personal Assessment Tool

At iTOL, we look after our members. We provide our members with exclusive access to the latest in professional materials, links and networks. One of the most popular resources we offer is our CPD Toolkit, a cutting edge collection of tips, tricks and templates for those looking to develop their care...
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The 6 Workplace Personalities and How to Manage Them

At some point you will have come across every single one of these… There are six workplace personalities which you will have encountered. The chances are they will already be familiar to you but you didn’t know how to categorise them. Due to the diverse nature of workplace personas it can be dif...
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Here is a Networking Philosophy that Works

What’s the big deal with networking? It is simple, networking is a way for professionals to connect with each other and it’s a really important skill to have. At iTOL HQ we have been watching this Ted Talks video about networking and we think that Christopher Barratt is onto something with his n...
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ITOL Blog - Training online using a laptop and mobile wifi hotspot

The Three C’s of Consulting

As a consultant, you may think to yourself that there should be some form of magic formula, recipe or equation that can be used to create the most effective consultancy experience. The truth is that being a successful consultant doesn’t happen by accident, in fact, it is achieved through a combina...
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